online scientific journal

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Formal requirements


Read the documents under "For Autohors", please.

Without ORCID we can not publish the publication, and even the revision process can not be started.




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Planned time: Expected 10 April 2025 10:00 to 15:20




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Publisher: Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó – Ludovika Press
Responsible for release: Gergely Koltányi CEO
Editorial Board Chairman: prof. dr. Gyula Óvári
Editor in chief: dr. Bertold Békési
Editor and web editor: dr. László Szilvássy
Address: 5008 Szolnok, Kilián út 1.
Letter address: 5008 Szolnok, Pf.: 1.
e-mail:; Phone: +36-56-512-535
ISSN 1789-770X (Online)

For Our Authors


responsive screens For technical reasons, we are putting the tab closed. This means that we will be able to display the filings received after the specified deadline and only be displayed in one of the following numbers.

Publications may take up to 60 workdays on occasion because of the current editorial workload and latency. Please consider this when registering the drafts!

Please respect the form requirements . If this is not the case, the publication may be rejected.

Without ORCID we can not publish the publication, and even the revision process can not be started.


Locality: 5008 Szolnok Kilián út. 1.
Letter: 5008 Szolnok Pf.: 1.
Phon: +36 56 512 530
Fax: +36 56 512 549