online scientific journals

Style Guide of Aeronautical Science Bulletins

I. General requirements

1. The publication should benefit its readers.

2. We do not engage in redundant publication.

3. Authors must take responsibility for the content, equity, accuracy and style of their paper.

4. We consider submissions which are sent according to this guideline.

II. Delivery requirements

1. Proposals should be submitted with an abstract, up to ten key-words in Hungarian and in English. The title of the article has to in Hungarian and in English too.

2. The author must indicate his/her rank, institution and official e-mail address, both in Hungarian and in English at the end of the manuscript in the following tabular form.

Tóth István (MSc)
Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem
Hadtudományi és Honvédtisztképző Kar
Repülőfedélzeti Rendszerek Tanszék
István Tóth (MSc)
Assistant Professor
University of Public Service
Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training
Department of Aircraft Onboard Systems
Dr. Kovács József
egyetemi tanár
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Vasúti Járművek, Repülőgépek és Hajók Tanszék
József Kovács, PhD
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Aeronautics Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles

3. The explanation of foreign words and abbreviations in the main text and the comments should be placed in the footnote.

4. Figures and tables can only be used in the same language as the article. The data in this language must be translated into Hungarian. It is the author's responsibility to edit the figures and tables. Illustrations should be attached to the manuscript without degrading formatting - attached separately if necessary. The publication of a figure taken from another publication must be authorized by the author and the source must be indicated in his text. The source is indicated according to the general principles of reference.

Equations should be edited using MS Office's built-in equation editor (MathType) whenever possible. In the case of equations, the rules of mathematics and technical sciences must be observed. The symbol of the unit of measure, with the exception of%, does not stick to the number in front of it, and the use of the SI (International System of Units) is mandatory. The equation should be centered and denoted by a right-aligned number in parentheses. When referring to the equation, this number can be given in the text.

Fugura 1. How is it all [3]


Table 4. The annual fuel cost [1]

Aircraft type JAS 39 F-16C F/A-18C MiG-29B
Cost [HUF] 28,431,000 46,530,900 56,862,000 56,862,000


According to Equation (1)…

III Style guide and examples

1. The proposal must be formed with Times New Roman font type (the body of the text at 12 points font size, footnotes at 10 points), normal margins, single space and justified in a standard, single-column format.

2. In the text, the indent of the first paragraph is 0 cm and that of each additional paragraph is 1.25 cm.

3. In collections of texts, parts containing groups of writings represent a separate unit and are denoted by Roman numerals. The structure of each text should be clear, with no more than four levels in depth. These are marked: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1. and Each content item must be given a title. Titles should be expressive and short. The title of the new content unit must be followed by text - it cannot be immediately followed by another unit title.

Lorem ipsum


1. Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit


Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.1 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. […]


1.1. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit2


In voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. […]


1.1.1. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis


Iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. […] Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem


Quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. […]


2. Neque porro quisquam est


Qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. […]



1 Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

2 Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?


4. Foreign terms may only be used to avoid precision and repetition. Since the language of the flight is English, the English terms and abbreviations should be explained in the footnote at the first occurrence. There is no need to repeat the explanation.

5. Only exact quotations that do not change meaning when highlighted from the original context can be used. Quotes should not be in italics. The text in a foreign language must be quoted in Hungarian. If a Hungarian translation is published, it must be cited and the name of the translator, the publication details and the exact location of the citation must be given. Avoid long quotes - unnecessary parts should be omitted. The omission should be marked by inserting […]. Quotes longer than four lines should be highlighted before and after each line. If there is a quotation mark in the quoted text, pay attention to the hierarchy and the correct shape of the quotation marks: "" "". In the quotations, only our italics should be highlighted: (Highlight: N. N.). The case-sensitive change of the citation is marked with a reservation in [].

David Hume, in the section Of the Origin of Our Ideas of A Treatise of Human Nature, wrote that


All the perceptions of the human mind resolve themselves into two distinct kinds, which I shall call impressions and ideas. The difference betwixt these consists in the degrees of force and liveliness, with which they strike upon the mind, and make their way into our thought or consciousness. Those perceptions, which enter with most force and violence, we may name impressions: and under this name I comprehend all our sensations, passions and emotions, as they make their first appearance in the soul.


Shortly after this definition, starting to prove the precedency of our impressions or ideas,2 he put that ‘our ideas are images of our impressions, so we can form secondary ideas, which are images of the primary’.2 Arguing that […]

6. The quoted words are enclosed in quotation marks.

„We saw my halves”...                                                                                                             

Words and technical terms referenced in a foreign language are enclosed in parentheses and only in italics together with the words, but if there is an expression within the parentheses, the parentheses are also enclosed.

The self (ego) and the superior self (superego)…

Being in the world  (in der Welt-Sein)…

As a general rule(à la règle générale)…

The concept of autarchy (αὐτάρκεια) ...

7. Persons should be mentioned first by first name (first letter and dot of other first names) and surname, then only by surname [Georg W. F. Hegel - Hegel]. Make sure the names are spelled correctly. Names in languages that use the Latin alphabet are not changed (e.g., Vavro Hajdů, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, José Manuel Durão Bar-roso); non-Latin names are rewritten either according to Osiris Publishing's Spelling (Alexander S. Pushkin, Ruhollah Homeini, Osama bin Laden, Joanis Ka-podistrias, etc.) or according to the Hungarian practice of the language (eg Japanese : Sin-zo Abe; Chinese: Xixu Qin-ping; Ancient Greek: Aeschylus). Titles are not required. Surnames do not have to be in lowercase letters, much less in all capital letters.

8. The names of organizations must be written in full Hungarian, if any, followed by their abbreviation in round brackets: United Nations (UN). Names of organizations and institutions in foreign languages should not be translated, unless they are written in lower case and do not need to be in italics, e.g. the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - the FCC; the Cour de cassation - the French Court of Cassation. If the name of the institution is mentioned only a few times, there is no need to indicate and use an abbreviation - if it is clear, it is sufficient to refer to it with a characteristic piece of the name of the organization, e.g. European Court of Human Rights - the Court of Justice. The phrase "hereinafter" shall be avoided.

9. Highlight only one really important word or phrase and can only be typed in italics.

10. The list does not require special formatting, it is sufficient to separate the members with a comma. Numbers and letters can also be used: 1, 2, 3, 4 or a), b), c), d). The elements of a list consisting of several elements or member sentences can be taken in separate lines - in this case, the last word before the list is typically followed by a colon, the members are preceded by a dash, a numbered list, and each element is closed by a semicolon; a dot is added to the end of the last element, and then the text continues, omitting a line.

Parts of the aircraft: kite structure, engine, landing gear, etc.


Parts of the aircraft weapon system:

  • missile;
  • rockets;
  • bombs;
  • guns;
  • stb.

11. Laws shall be given in full at the first mention, after which only their number, brief description or common abbreviation may be used. If an abbreviation is used, it must be given in brackets after the first mention. Pay attention to the correct spelling: only the very first letter of the name of the code is capitalized (Civil Code), Ekertv. not Eker. TV. (the Circular Directive) and there is a difference between the Constitution and the Constitution. Let us try to refer to the laws of other countries in Hungarian, but also by giving the original name.

First mention:

CVIII. Act on Certain Issues in Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services […];


CVIII of 2001. law […];


the Act on Electronic Commerce Services […];



first mention:

CVIII. Act on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Services Related to the Information Society (Ekertv.) [;];


Ekertv. […].


First mention::

the British Defamation Act 2013;

then the UK Defamation Act 2013 or, if clear from the context: the Act.

References to regulations, instructions, decisions, rulings, judgments and cases must also use the official form, but if the title is too long, a short version in the main text is sufficient [e.g. 28/2019. (III. 14.) ME decision] and shall be placed in a footnote in its entirety. Be careful of spaces and the use of appropriate punctuation. The names of legal cases are not in italics. In foreign cases, the short text containing the names of the two litigants (United States v. Virginia) must first be written in the main text - the exact details will be noted in the footnote - and then, if clear, the usual short name (Virginia case) will suffice.

R v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2000] AC 115

Connolly v Director of Public Prosecutions [2007] EWHC 237

Hill v Great Tey Primary School [2013] ICR 691

Smith Kline & French Laboratories (Australia) Ltd v Secretary to the Department of Community Services and

London Artists Ltd v Littler [1969] 2 All ER 193

Rofe v Smith’s Newspapers Ltd [1924] 25 SR (NSW) 4

Australian Broadcasting Corp. v O’Neill [2006] HCA 46

Abrams v. United States 250 US 616 (1919)

Lingens v Austria (1986) 8 EHRR 407

Health (1990) 22 FCR 73

Burnett v National Enquirer, Inc. 144 Cal. App. 3d 991 (1983)


Schenck v United States 249 US 47, 52 (1919)

R (on the application of ProLife Alliance) v British Broadcasting Corporation [2003] UKHL 23, [91]


Case C-154/19 Kypriaki Kentriki Archi v GA (ECLI:EU:C:2019:888)


Von Hannover v Germany no 59320/00

Von Hannover v Germany (No 2) nos 40660/08 and 60641/08


Arrêt n°1113 du 19 décembre 2019 (18-25.113)

BVerfGE 120

Cass. civ. 13 aprile 2000, n. 4790

For technical texts, we use the title and format provided by the Hungarian Standards Organisation. We always use the official designation of pure, European and international standards. Make sure that the mark, reference number, sub-standard number, volume number, part, page number and year of issue are correctly indicated.

MSZ 3156: 1984 Drill pipes

MSZ 12-06: 2015 Guide to üthe traditions of Santa Claus

MSZ HD 60364-7-753: 2014 Requirements for special equipment or locations. Heating cables and embedded heating systems

MSZ EN 16636: 2015 Pest control services. Requirements and competencies

MSZ ISO 31000: 2018 Risk management. Guidelines

MSZ EN ISO 16967: 2015 Solid biofuels. Definition of the main elements. Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K, Si, Na and Ti

MSZ IEC 50 (191): 1992 International Electrotechnical Dictionary. Reliability and quality of service

MSZ ISO / IEC 27001: 2014 Informatics. Security technology. Information security management systems. Requirements

12. Source works must be provided in a form conforming to the IEEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers) citation standard. If a source has a DOI (digital object identifier) number, it must also be provided. Instead of foreign punctuation, Hungarian should be used, or in the case of books, the subtitle of the volume may be indicated, but the series of which it is an element and that it is a text collection, facsimile, etc., is no longer. The edition number should only be given in justified cases. We also don't describe the word "Publisher" on behalf of publishers. Foreign language literature must be given in the original language.

If we do not refer to the work in general, but only to one of its thoughts and pages, its exact page number must be indicated. For more than three author's works, we write out the name of only one author, the others by "et al." replaced by. Add authors: Ország László, Magay Tamás. The names of the authors must be written in the order of the surname and first name: For foreign language authors, the first name precedes the surname.

In the case of an Internet link, if the author is unknown, the title of the document, the availability, the date of download must be kept in order.

In the case of a study published in a volume, the author and title of the study, the exact publication data of the volume, the starting and closing page number of the study, and the cited page number must be given ( The same should be done for articles published in periodicals (the titles of journals must be given in full, their abbreviations may not be used). This method should also be used for texts published on the Internet. Completely general links, e.g. the address of an organization's website, it is unnecessary to provide.

In text:

System security means the optimal [1] level of security for the entire airplane, its equipment and systems, including the constraint on operational efficiency [1] [2] [3, pp. 45–67].


At the end of the article:

[1] Palik Mátyás: „100 éves a magyar repülésirányítás,” in Repüléstudományi Sze-melvények, Békési Bertold és Szilvássy László szerk. Szolnok, Magyarország: Nem-zeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Katonai Repülő Intézet, 2016, pp. 205–231.

[2] Major Gábor, Palik Mátyás és Kiss Béla, „Migration from a Bird’s Eye View,” Repü-léstudományi Közlemények, 29. évf. 3. sz. pp. 189–202. p. 14 2017.

[3] Makkay Imre, „Ütközések elkerülése a kisgépes és a pilóta nélküli repülésben,” Repüléstudományi Közlemények, 29. évf. 1 sz. pp. 59–66. 8 p. 2017.

[4] Ványa László, „Pilóta nélküli repülő eszközök elektronikai hadviselési alkalmazása szakértői rendszer támogatásával,” Repüléstudományi Közlemények, Klnsz. 1. pp. 213–220. 8 p. 2001.

[5] Tiger UHT. Elérhető: (A letöltés dátuma: 2020. 06. 10.)

[6] Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia: MBB/Kawasaki BK 117 Elérhető: (A letöltés dátuma: 2020. 06. 10.)


13. The type designation of the devices - as it is not specifically provided for in point 263 of the 12th edition of the Hungarian Spelling Rules, must be given in the form specified by the manufacturers, ie it does not have to be rewritten in long dash.

14. The number of centuries must be written in Arabic, the number of world wars in Roman numerals.

15. Sequence of parentheses: ([{}]).

16. At the end of the article, after the literature references, the title of the article, a summary and keywords should be given in English. In the case of articles in English.

17. The section containing the data of the authors should be placed at the very end of the article.

18. Articles can be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 20 pages.


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